Pragmatic UI/UX Design Agency for SaaS

Literally, tomorrow
Get a dedicated
-time autonomous

A monthly subscription service that brings the expertise of in-house product designers to your SaaS company.

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They are not waiting to be told how to design something, they perform their own research of the topic and dive into the matter completely which results in great outcomes.


are not waiting

 to be told how to design something, they perform their own research of the topic and dive into the matter completely which results in

great outcomes.


Irene Avdus, Product Manager /


SaaS companies added Eleken's UI/UX designers to their product development teams

SaaS design

for full-time


than recruiting

Top notch

quality and
timely delivery

free trial

and fixed
monthly rate

Want to bring your SaaS idea to life fast and precisely?


Design can make or break your startup. Let our professional design team quickly convert your vision into a working prototype that you can test with users and show to investors.

Prift brought its initial concept into life


“We were impressed with their responsiveness and ability to work independently when necessary. They also understand the requirements and did their own research.”


Customers find your SaaS product hard to use?

Bad UX means you are losing money right now. Hire Eleken designers to refine user engagement, increase positive feedback, and improve your bottom line.


SEOcrawl improved customer acquisition through a redesign


“We have seen a huge growth in users (from 0 to 2k) and new paid customers thanks to the new design.

Design became your scaling bottleneck?

Need a SaaS design company to build new features, master consistency in a complex product or streamline a design system? You are at the right place.


TextMagic, a Nasdaq-listed SaaS company, expanded its product line


“Internal stakeholders are pleased with Eleken's work. Customers can expect a knowledgable, creative partner that's eager to tackle complex challenges.”

We get hired to design, fix or a scale

Whether you're looking to secure funding for your new product, redesign your SaaS to increase profitability, or get a remote design team for faster growth, Eleken UX design agency is the right choice for continuous product development.

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We create business value with design

They were professional to the core and ensured that they deliver no matter what.

NWORX3 design has been a success story. We have deployed NWORX3 at multiple enterprises since the redesign. We have seen a significant decrease in the 'UX friction' feedback from end users. There has been a 200% improvement in the positive anecdotes on the App UI.

The workflow was very direct and effective.

They were able to really listen to us and learn about our business, being open to the changes that we brought. Next to the fact that design skills are top-notch.

Eleken is very fast and efficient.

Whenever we ask them for something, they have it ready by the next day. If we can’t provide immediate feedback, they keep working on other things to avoid wasting time waiting.

The most impressive aspect of this SaaS design company is the collaboration between the UX engineer and our team.

So many consulting companies claim they provide fantastic customer support but often find out after the contract is signed that this isn't the case. This is not the situation with Eleken. Their engineer and project manager have been easy to get a hold of and have been in constant contact with our team throughout the project.

The approach to assign one main designer to our project, that worked full-time on it was very unique.

It allowed them to build a very detailed understanding of our - sometimes a bit complex - product. Essentially having a competent full-time designer on your team was very valuable to us.

The value proposition is very high with Eleken — their rates are fair and their team is excellent.

As a startup, we have been working towards product market fit. This involves demonstrations to potential users and investors. The improvements to our UI have led to new business as well as interest from investors.


When we’re the best fit

If you find yourself in one of the situations described below, our service is exactly what you need.

Finding the right designer can be a tough task

Design agencies lack the transparency that in-house designers offer. In-house designers lack the expertise that design agencies have.



We’ve crafted designs for over 100 SaaS companies in the past 9 years. During that period, we've tailored our UI/UX design subscription model to perfectly meet your needs.


Deadlines  are on fire

Your designer just left out of the blue, deadlines are burning, and your UI/UX team's too stretched. A new designer is needed for tomorrow, but posting a job and interviewing candidates can take weeks, if not months.



You can start with our UI/UX specialist pretty much tomorrow. We always have a few designers on the bench, ready to jump in if you need something done urgently.

You're juggling too much

Your SaaS business has grown and you have lots of customers keeping your product team busy. Now you want to launch a new app or feature. But how to allocate resources for new project keeping your current customers happy?



Eleken can provide you a remote team for adding new features, helping with your design system, or redesigning outdated screens so you can concentrate on more important stuff.

Frequently asked questions

Can your designers deal with complex & technical B2B use cases?

Complex & technical B2B challenges? That's where we shine. As a design agency for SaaS, we have navigated everything from AI-driven analytics to geospatial mapping projects. Got a tough challenge for us? We’re all ears.

What is the minimum contract duration?

The shortest contract we offer is 2 months. However, many of our clients stick around for much longer, sometimes even for years.

Can I interview a designer and see their portfolio?

Sure, during the trial intro call, feel free to ask your designer some questions and request to see some of their works. Generally, though, Eleken handles the selection process. It's our responsibility to hire, train, and match you with the best designer for your project. With our experience, we've got a pretty good track record of getting it right.

Start with a FREE
3-day trial

To reduce your risks and help you get to know us better, we offer the first three days of work at no charge. This way, you can evaluate our skills and decide whether you want to work with us going forward.

Need time
to think it over?

Learn more about our UI/UX design process to get a better idea of how we work and lay down your expectations for future projects.

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